Customize Look and Feel

You can customize the contracts and the form using CSS. Unfortunately, we do not provide a GUI for this but our plugin is made for contracts and contracts are supposed to be basic paper.

We have given you a few options to be able to custom how the contract container and form field classes, but you have to do it via CSS either in contract templates section or within your theme. This ensures our plugin produces a professional, legally-binding document.

If you would like to customize the CSS, you can use the following classes.


//customize anything within the contract content
.contract-container {

//customize the buttons after the contract is signed
.contract-container .afterbuttons .btn {

Front End

//customize the labels on the initiation form
.control-label {

//customize the input fields on the initiation form
.control input {

//customize the submit button on the initiation form
.control input[type=submit] {

Remember to add these classes to your theme files if you are modifying the front end or to your Templates > Other Templates > Contract CSS if you are modifying the contract itself.

Last updated