Default Contract Options
Title Can be whatever you want to name the contract. If the contract is dynamically generated by the client, it will have a predesignated title. You can still modify it, but this part will be auto-generated for you.
Contract Template Select for the templates you created to use their text and shortcodes. This is important and if not used, a blank screen will appear. Make sure the template you use is the correct template. For example, if you are doing a Terms of Service that does not require shortcodes, then do not expect shortcodes to be allowed on the template.
Redirect After Signing? You can send the client to another part of your website or an external website by entering the fully qualified URL into this section. Once the contract is signed it will auto-redirect the user to the assigned URL.
Payment Options Shortcode Only use this option if you want to display payment options once the contract is signed.
Payment Item Name Shortcode The shortcode selected here will be displayed to the user on their invoice. We typically set the project name in this section but you can use whatever shortcode works for you. Leave blank if not offering payment options for this contract.
Your Representative Shortcode Use this if you want the signature font to be used on the contract. Select the shortcode of the representative on your team that will be signing the contract. You can print their name in the input box on the Contract Details section of the contract and it will add it to the contract in a fancy signature font. You can use the class "signedby" to add a signature font to this field. For example, in your contract template, add <span class="signedby">[shortcode]</span> to make it appear in a script font on the contract.
Client Email Shortcode If you want the client to be notified via email when a contract is created or modified, you must select the shortcode that represents their email address. Must be used with the checkbox for “Send Email to Client on Update?”.
Can This Contract be Repeatedly Signed? This option allows you to create a contract template that does not need custom information. Once signed, the contract will duplicate itself with their signature allowing for this contract to remain open and signed again by another client. For example, you can create a contract that is used for GDPR contract where a user needs to sign their name. You can create the contract once and set this option to have it linked out on your site for multiple people to sign independently. You can also add prepared fields to this type of contract to collect information from the client before their sign the contract.
Remove Signature Box? This option allows you to remove the online signature and have them print and sign the contract offline. It generates a signature line that can be printed and signed.
Force User to Print Name? This options forces the client to print their name before they can sign the contract. it is also recorded in the audit log and displayed in the list of contracts.
Force User to Use Prepared Fields? This options take the shortcodes you set as a prepared field and adds them to a form on the contract that must be completed before the contract can be signed. This is useful if you need to gather information from the client that is not just their name and/or signature.
Send Email to Client on Update When this option is checked, every time you make a change to the contract, the client will be notified. e recommend creating the contract and when it needs to be signed, checking this box so the client is notified they need to sign a contract. We do not recommend leaving it checked as it will send an email with every update. Must be used with the “Client Email Shortcode” from the previous section.
Contract Details
This section is used to display your custom shortcodes. If you create a shortcode that is not a function shortcode, it will be displayed here.
Audit Log
The audit log tracks what happens to the contract. When it is created a record of the creator with a timestamp is added. When it is signed or a signature is removed, it is also recorded here.
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