Built-In Shortcodes

You can use these shortcodes to display or manipulate your contracts or templates from one place. These are built-in and do not need to be created.


Add a page break to your contract templates. This will force the PDF to display the content below the shortcode on a new page.


If you would like to give your clients the opportunity to initiate a contract, you can easily add this shortcode to any page or theme file. This will add a short form that can be styled by you that will allow a client to create a pending contract and send your administrative contact an email notification.


If you would like to display a list of contracts for a user’s email address, you can easily add this shortcode to any page or theme file.

Once you have added the shortcode to a page, you select this page in your Settings to force all user links to point to this page. If they have an account, the page will populate within their profile and dashboard.

If they do not have an account, you can link them directly to their page using the following format: http://yourdomainname.com/contract-list-page/?email=email@domain.com Just replace the email with their email address.

You can style this list using the following class: .contractlistitem

Want to embed your contract on a page outside of the normal contract page? Now you can. Use the shortcode below to display the contract in an iframe that is customizable and can be place on any page. It is fully functional and your clients can sign and pay from the window.

The permalink reference is a direct URL to the contract itself.

The style reference allows you to customize the way the contract iframe looks on the screen. It is already set to 100% width, but you can set height, overflow etc.

Last updated